Enter Into Our World   

International Christian Community  Network
Global Association
Camp Renewed - Youth Mission


Hand of Hope Update


Our Hand of Hope outreach Ministry has been


very active in providing immediate relief for those


affected by tornadoes.

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If you want to do your


part, come now and be


 trained and equipped.


You are called to impact


 your culture! 


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Aimee Herd (May 23, 2013)

"Many have been freed from the chains of satan here and have been saved and added to the Church." Pastor Saeed Abedini

Read Full Story





Be Prepared



We cannot be like a


ship in trouble and sink.


It will happen if we are


all unprepared and


ignore God's warnings.


The Lord is with me always, even unto the end of the world.


Matthew 28:20 (KJV)